Logo Design Project (Rough)

I chose to do the logo design project on the Bobcat Bistro. The logo is a combination mark because it has both type and paw prints. This was chosen in order to grab attention. My target market is the student body of Our Lady of Lourdes Academy. The concept for the design is to stimulate appetite while promoting school spirit. The design is simply the words "Bobcat Bistro" with paw prints replacing the "o"s and the words are written in blue and white, the school's official colors. The words are highlighted in light orange in order to stimulate appetite while not completely overpowering the school colors. The type is appropriate since it is sans serif and all caps, it has a simple look and is legible whether it is on a large sign or on a small business card. The type is also appropriate because it has an attention-grabbing modern look.


Lauren Diaz said...

I like this logo but not for a bistro. I would see this logo for a more serious business or for an athletic team or something. In my opinion this logo is too serious for a bistro; a logo portraying a bistro should be more fun and modern-looking not plain and traditional like this one is.

-Lauren Diaz-

Beatriz said...

I love this logo but the denotation and the connotation do not exactly match. This logo would look good under athletics. Other than that, I like how you used the paw prints.

Stephanie Galvez said...

It's a nice logo, though it reminds me more of a sports grill rather than a bistro. Maybe if you tried a different font and colors, it would work! love how you used the paws! :)

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