About Me

I'm Annie Hunter and I'm entering Junior year at Our Lady of Lourdes Academy. I like art and writing and I am an avid reader and watcher of fantasy and science fiction. I enjoy classics, such as Alice in Wonderland, the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and the Chronicles of Narnia. I also tend to go back to my childhood favorites such as Winnie the Pooh, Disney Princesses, etc. The course I am taking this year is Visual Communications. The reason why I took this class is because I want to improve my creativity and be able to effectively use it while keeping my original purpose and target audience in mind, whether it  would be for business purposes in the future or for a class presentation. I wish to major in business and marketing, and in order to be effective in that field, I will need to be able to make good presentations that will impact my audience and get my message across to them.


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